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Best Hair Transplant Clinic In Delhi. Hair transplantation is a surgical technique that removes hair follicles from one part of the body, called the 'donor site', to a bald or balding part of the body known as the 'recipient site'. The technique is primarily used to treat male pattern baldness. More About Us The Most Professional Liposuction Clinic in Delhi. Liposuction can be performed on any part of the body where deposits of fat tend to collect, such as the thighs, hips and buttocks, abdomen and waist, chest area, upper arms, back, cheeks, chin and neck, and calves. It can remove small areas of fat that are hard to lose through exercise and a healthy diet. Let's Chat Bliniq Is The Most Professional Clinic For Sex Change Surgery In Delhi. Sex reassignment surgery, also known as gender reassignment surgery and several other names, is a surgical procedure by which a transgender person's physical appearance and function of their existing sexual characteristics are altered to resemble those socially associated with their identified gender More About Us Best Gynecomastia Surgeon in Delhi. Gynecomastia is an increase in the amount of breast gland tissue in boys or men, caused by an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. Gynecomastia can affect one or both breasts, sometimes unevenly. Let's Chat

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Years of Experience

Dr Ashwani has experience of 14 years and has performed more than 3000 body contouring procedures

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Cosmetic surgery continues to grow in popularity, with various cosmetic procedures carried out in the India in last few years.

Procedures are available for almost any part of the body, but the choice to undergo cosmetic surgery should not be taken lightly. The results are often permanent, so it is important to be sure about the decision, to use an appropriate practitioner, and to have the right motivation.

At Bliniq we have experienced surgeons with proper patient safety standards.


Bliniq Cosmetic Surgery Centre, a dream project of Dr Ashwani Kumar has been set up to bring the latest, cutting edge advances in the field of cosmetic surgery to help you look great. You can undergo amazing body transformations here which were never thought possible before.

Services offered at BLINIQ

BLINIQ provides a wide range of plastic and cosmetic services that can treat all your concerns efficiently. The services are available for both males and females.

Cosmetic procedures for the face


It is an anti-ageing surgical procedure that improves the signs of ageing that may appear on your face and neck through repositioning or removing the fat, skin, and muscle from the concerned area.

Double eyelid surgery

As the name suggests, it is the surgery done to give you double eyelids; that is, the creases in the upper eyelid are made to give it a double eyelid appearance.

Eye bag removal surgery

This procedure is also known as lower lid blepharoplasty. The sagging or baggy skin under your eyelids and the wrinkles in the undereye area are removed in this procedure.


It is a surgical procedure to change the shape and size of your nose. This procedure can be done due to medical reasons like difficulty in breathing or to enhance your facial features.

Buccal fat pad removal

This cosmetic procedure is often known as cheek fat removal or buccal lipectomy. The main aim of this procedure is to remove the excess fat pads from your cheek area and redefine your facial angles. The procedure is done for people with chubby, fuller, or round cheeks that can make their faces look asymmetrical.

Dimple creation surgery

During our childhood days, we all wanted those dimples on our cheeks and as we grew up we realised that dimples appear naturally. But guess what? You can actually have dimples by choice as well. If you want to get dimples on your cheeks, then dimpleplasty, or dimple creation surgery is the treatment for you.

Lip reduction

Lips are the most aesthetic feature of your face. Do you think your lips are too big, and you want to reduce the size of your lips? With cosmetic procedures, you can reduce the size of your lips and get the type of lips you always desired.

Upper lip lift

Do you think your lips are too thin or not that appealing? Well, you don’t need to worry. Here is the best plastic surgeon in Delhi that can lift your upper lips, giving them a more enhanced and desired look.

Chin implant

A right chin can make a lot of difference to your face. Some people have tiny or inward chins. Do you also have such a chin? If yes, don’t worry. You can get a more prominent chin through implants. Thes implants are placed beneath your skin to make it broader or outward.


Sometimes a chin implant is not enough to give you the correct chin for your case. If in case you have a receding chin, excess chin, or a misaligned chin, then a chin surgery known as genioplasty is done to make corrections to your chin.

Cosmetic procedures for the breast and chest

Breast implants

Breasts are an important feminine feature. Often people have small-sized breasts, which give their body an improper figure. Thus, implants can be placed inside your breast skin to give you larger and enhanced breasts.

Breast reduction

Being overweight or having certain medical conditions can lead to very large breasts. In such cases, fat from your breasts can be removed to reduce the size of your breasts. This procedure can be done for both cosmetic and medical reasons.

Breast lift

Apart from size and shape, the sagginess of the breasts can also be treated efficiently. A breast lift is a procedure that lifts your sagging breasts and improves the shape of your breast.


Gynecomastia is a condition wherein the males develop breasts like females, which makes them awkward in public. A surgical procedure can reduce the enlarged breasts of males, giving them a more masculine look.

Puffy nipple surgery

Puffy nipples are a symptom or sign of gynecomastia. The symptoms can be treated by making a small incision around the nipple area and removing the breast tissue to decrease the puffiness and enlargement of the breasts.

Pectoral implants

Pectoral implants are specifically male cosmetic surgery that is used to improve the appearance of a man’s chest. These soft and solid implants increase the size and add definition to the male’s chest.

Cosmetic procedures for the arms

Saggy arms surgery

The sagging skin in the arms is a problem for everyone. Cosmetic and plastic surgery has got the treatment for this as well. Saggy arm surgery is a procedure that can help you get rid of the sagging skin of your arm, making them look leaner and slimmer.

Cosmetic procedures for the tummy

Six-pack abs creation

Six-pack abs are a trend these days. Who doesn’t want those six-pack abs that can make anyone faint? Well, if gyming is not helping you, cosmetic surgery can surely help. We are the team of the best plastic surgeons near you in Delhi who can give you perfect six-pack abs.

Tummy tuck

Being overweight is something we are all fed up with. Sometimes excessive and regular exercise can also not make you get rid of the stubborn fat deposited in different parts of your body. Thus, we have a tummy tuck procedure that can help you lose those extra fat deposits from your body giving your body a perfect contour.

Cosmetic procedures for the intimate areas

Do you think cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures are only for your face and skin? Well, that’s not true. Many times you require modifications in your intimate parts as well. That can be due to personal or medical reasons. There are various cosmetic procedures available for the intimate areas of both males and females. In males, the cosmetic procedures done are penile lengthening, fat injection, and circumcision. In females, the intimate procedures involve Brazilian buttock lift, hymenoplasty, vaginal tightening, labiaplasty, and mons reduction.

Sex change surgery

Often people with gender dysphoria require to change their body features to another gender in terms of structure and function. This treatment involves a combination of various procedures.

Medspa services

Apart from the surgical procedures, various non-surgical and less invasive procedures can help you get a more profound appearance. The results of these procedures are temporary, but they are surely effective and worth giving a try. Various medspa services provided at Bliniq are scarless lipoma removal, botox, fillers, chemical peels, laser hair removal, scar remodelling, mole removal, and skin tag removal.

Hair fall therapies

Besides your skin and body, Bliniq provides various hair therapies to ensure you have healthy hair. The hair fall services provided at Bliniq are hair transplant, PRP therapy, mesotherapy, and white hair removal.

Patient's we Treated

Why choose BLINIQ?

BLINIQ is a one-stop centre for all your cosmetic concerns. The main reasons why you should choose Bliniq for your cosmetic concerns are:

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    How can we help?

    Please feel welcome to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry. Our doctors will receive or return any urgent calls.