Lipoma is a benign tumor of adipose tissue or fat cells. It can be solitary or occur all over the body in large numbers. It may be associated with pain in a few people and may be familial in a few cases. People mostly get it removed due to other people disturbing them repeatedly about its unsightly presence.

Causes of Lipoma
1.Idiopathic: In most of the cases no cause is known
2.Madelung’s disease
3.Familial multiple subcutaneous lipomatosis (FML)
A lipoma is mobile, free from skin, painless, bosselated surface, firm to feel, well defined on examination. Its diagnosis can be confirmed with a simple test known as fine needle aspiration cytology {FNAC}.
There is only one treatment for lipoma that is to get it excised. The surgery can be performed in 2 ways :
1. Open surgery : An incision appropriate for the size of lipoma is given and lipoma is excised. Incision is closed with sutures which are removed after 7-10 days.
2. Liposuction : With advances in cosmetic surgery techniques, Lipoma now can be removed with a 5mm incision. There are no stitches needed. You can resume your daily work from the next day.
Lipoma removal surgery involves a small incision made to the skin above the fatty tissue. Dr. Volshteyn has developed a special technique to utilize the smallest incision possible, liquify the tumor, and gently suction out removing it completely. In some cases, sutures are not necessary. In others, minimal small sutures are placed to close the incision. Surgery to remove a lipoma is typically very quick and can be done on an outpatient basis.
Lipoma surgery recovery time is minimal, and patients can go home the same day as their surgery. Usually, they can return to work and other daily activities the following day. For many individuals, the benefits of lipoma removal treatment far outweigh the small concern about scarring. Removal can mean relief from any pain associated with the fatty tumor and a return to the natural appearance of your skin with no lump to feel self-conscious about. The best way to reduce scarring is by having the tumor removed while it is still small.
After lipoma removal, follow Dr. Volshteyn’s post care instructions carefully and be reserved in your movements until the stitches have completely healed. Additionally, you can apply a scar cream to the area after it has healed. Over time the scar should fade or even disappear completely. Be sure to monitor the area of the lipoma for bleeding or other abnormalities.
As each case is unique to the individual, you may need more rest before exercising that area of the body. Low activity is suggested for a period of time following the removal procedure, depending on the extent of the surgery. It is acceptable for range of motion exercises during this time as per the surgeon’s guidelines. If the lipoma was deep and muscles had to be cut, you may require physical therapy to achieve proper healing.
If exercise or any other type of movement causes pain, be sure to stop what you are doing and call our office right away. If you suffer from one lipoma or multiple lipomas, there are options available for treatment. At Atlantic Surgical Associates in West Long Branch, we are experts at removing these fatty tumors with minimal scarring. Call our office today and schedule a comprehensive evaluation to learn more about healing after lipoma removal.
Q1 Does Lipoma removal leave scars?
A1 Lipoma removal may cause a permanent scar.
Q2 Can you get rid of lipomas without surgery?
A2 No treatment is usually necessary for a lipoma. However, if the lipoma bothers you, is painful or is growing, your doctor might recommend that it be removed. Lipoma treatments include: Surgical removal.
Q3 How do you naturally dissolve lipomas?
A3 Mix ½ to 1 teaspoon of dried sage with 2-3 tablespoons of neem oil or flaxseed oil. Coat the lipoma with the balm. Substitute 1-2 tablespoons of cooled green tea for neem or flaxseed oil to make a paste. Sage is used in traditional Chinese medicine to dissolve fatty tissue.