Puffy Nipple Surgery - bliniq

Puffy Nipple Surgery

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Puffy nipples is a common condition seen in men. It presents as change in size of the nipples with seasonal change or on excitement . Patients commonly complaints of not being able to wear body hugging clothing. It is commonly associated with gynecomastia grade 1. Some patients also complain of pain being associated with the puffy nipples


Surgery is the only modality of treatment approved for its treatment. Surgery is performed through a small incision in the nipple-areola complex through which the glandular tissue present under your nipple areola complex is excised.

Procedure at Bliniq

You are required to visit the clinic for consultation or a video consultation can be arranged for you with our Plastic Surgeon, Dr Ashwani Kumar, at the time of your convenience. Few blood tests will be prescribed at the time of consultation.

The surgery is performed under local anaesthesia . The procedure lasts for 30 minutes . You will be discharged soon after the surgery.

Follow up

Day 10
You will be visiting the clinic for suture removal.

Day 30
You will be visiting the clinic for final result evaluation and discussing any other issues you are facing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. When can I join back work ?
A1. You can join back office 1 day after the surgery.

Q2. Will there be scars after the surgery ?
A2. The surgery is performed through a 2.5 cm incision within your nipple-areola complex and the scar is hardly discernible after 3 months have passed by.